Marcelo Moreira Antunes, Alba Iara Cae Rodrigues, David Kirk


Martial arts are increasingly widespread in contemporary society. Its practice is carried out in different environments and levels of specialization. In physical education, they are considered an important part of the bodily culture of movement and mandatory curriculum content in schools. This study proposes a contents organization that may help in the preparation of school physical education teachers, considering the possible actions of martial arts. The proposal aims to assist and base the pedagogical practice for teachers who do not have specialized knowledge in these modalities, opening a dialogue, through a review of the advancements in the field arisen from Portuguese and Spanish literature. This may bring insights for new studies and discussions with game-based approaches. This study encourages new perceptions for the creation of a safe and motivating environment, enabling the development of students and favoring sports engagement with positive experiences in sports initiation in schools. This proposal may also improve teaching in other contexts besides schools, such as gyms, clubs, and sports associations.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22408/reva502020511e-5031

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